Become a Member
Historic Preservation and Planning Consultant, City of St. Joseph, MO and Intern for OCTA - Lauren Manning.
If you're interested in the historic trails that cross the Mid-west and especially St. Joseph, Missouri as well as all the history and lore that surrounds them, we invite you to join with us. We actively preserve, protect, identify, study and educate the public about historical landmarks, trails, and other important aspects of a rich history. Our newsletter, meetings and activities are engaging, and to those with a yen to know more, they can bring the excitement of newfound knowledge and the thrill of walking in the steps of history.
Our members live in many states, are both old hands and new, some are history professionals and others dedicated amateurs. All have a love of the trails and derive great satisfaction from sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm with others.
To become a member you must first join our parent organization on The Oregon California Trails Association website. Gain your memberships for OCTA and the St. Joseph Gateway Chapter online. Do you prefer to join OCTA by mail or fax? Open and print our brochure here: Membership Brochure or Fax: 816-836-0989.
St, Joseph Gateway Chapter memberships include a family membership for just $15.00 and for individuals, $10.00. This yearly fee entitles members to receive the newsletter, access to the Overland Journal, News from the Plains, and opportunity to attend all chapter functions. For field trips and some other activities a nominal fee may be charged to purchase printed trail guides, etc. Be sure to set a bookmark so you can return here easily.
Officers and Board Members
President- Dave Bereger
Vice President/Communications Chair- Carol McClellan
Treasurer- Fred Sawin
Secretary- Sandy Smith
Past President- Corky Smith
Board Members who are Committee Chairs
Wagon/Educational Camp Chair- Cindy Weaver
Nominating Committee Chair- Dave Berger
Program Committee Chair- Bill Leppert
At Large Board Members
Dr. Bob Corder
Jerry Mogg
Lauren Manning
Glendon Hartman
Shirley Myers